Stay out of the Bathroom by R.U. Slime


Back when I wasn't allowed to read Goosebumps, I bought this book.  I was in fourth grade.  FYI, for this blog, I'm only writing about books I've read since I entered the zone.  So I did read this book just yesterday and I did have to order it from Amazon.  

They call it a parody but it's not really.  Stay out of the Bathroom doesn't have much to do at all with Stay out of the Basement.  Stay out of the Bathroom is written from the perspective of an extra rambunctious 12-year-old named Joe.  Instead of trying to be actually funny, R.U. Slime just talked a lot about bathrooms and barf.  Edgy for the demographic.  I guess it did tickle the giggling mischief maker within.  

It's funny what kind of memories turn-up when you're rereading something 25 years later.  Joe's bathroom was, in my head, my own bathroom at the time.  My sister and I shared the upstairs bathroom, between our bedrooms.  One time I left an empty handi-snacks container in the waste basket and my dad yelled at me for attracting ants.  He would have caught it sooner but you know how it is.  He was more into the big bathroom downstairs.  

If any of you all want to borrow this book, feel free to let me know.  I know it's a rare one!

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