For weeks I had a hankering to see this film. Was it on Soulseek? No. The Pirate Bay? Still No. Demonoid? Probably too sketchy for my Windows 10 desktop. I found it on Google Play. $4 just for a viewing? Surely a disc of it is sitting in some thrift store for 50 cents. I went with the next best thing. $1 + $3.50 shipping from ebay. For what seemed like a month, I replayed every (remembered) scene in my head. After several tries I got the dvd ripped and streaming from Emby to my Chromecast to my tv. I pretty much killed my popcorn trying to get it all together. After all strife, Leave it to Beaver did not disappoint. All the jokes hit home. All the characters were played hilariously without being total parodies. The score? To die for. You also get to see the world's smallest football player kick some serious butt. That's all for spoilers. It was like an extra long episode of a wholesome family sitcom. The best type of film. Better than D3? Maybe. It's not as emotional. Better than Quiet Place part II? We'll see.
this was thorough review of the 90s remake of 1950s classic Leave it to Beaver. Do you have any plans to review the second greatest Christmas movie of all time (Die Hard 2:Die Harder)?