Guns of Avalon by Roger Zelazny

Since I had such a good thing with the first of Zelazny's anything-goes Amber novels, I decided to finally check this one out. After all the duds I powered through last year, followed by the delicious rain of William Gibson, I decided to follow my bliss instead of punishing myself with challenges.

Guns of Avalon is the 2nd in a long series following the story of Corwin, prince of Amber. Amber is the only real world, from which all of our worlds, mere shadows, are modeled. Corwin, the rightful heir to Amber, and much of a god anywhere else, is determined to claim his thrown from Eric, one of his eight brothers.

After having his eyes burned out and imprisoned, Corwin heals himself and escapes into a chalk drawing on his prison wall. From there, he sets about finding guns that will work in Amber. Friends are made, brothers are made suspicious, and love interests are objectified. This was published in 1972, after all. But despite all, we get to experience the building of a hefty mystery. Will Corwin claim his throne, even if it means to weaken his beloved Amber against an even greater, more evil foe? I guess I shouldn't tell.

Things happen more slowly here than in the first book, but it's not altogether a bad thing. It just means that less happened in this book than in Nine Princess in Amber, which is fine when compared to anything else. I only hope Zelazny didn't chase this artistic direction to write a book in which nothing happens.

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