Mama Mia's Pizzeria ends with a score of 70%. I hope to return someday, hopefully less hungry than I was the first time.
Mama Mia's Pizzeria ends with a score of 70%. I hope to return someday, hopefully less hungry than I was the first time.
Taking place in the late 19th century, The Boy in Blue is a sports film about a famous sculler (row boat racer) named Ned Hanlan, who was a real guy. Presumably based on real events, this plausible film provides no surprises. Every scene plays out as expected, and the drama is efficiently presented over a wonderful score. I love the music in old sport movies, like in Rocky. With this film, we get the big, triumphant strings, followed by a mode change to the natural minor, with grim, slow synths, before it goes into a tender piano solo, leading back to the huge vamp. There's even a training montage, which really gets me going.
The acting was fine. I know Cage hadn't yet found his style, but his performance is far above par for his acting-sports-star contemporaries. We get to watch Ned's rise to glory as his honor is challenged many times, but we know Ned. He's the good guy, and he's going to win because he's the good guy.
So how was the film? It was a small achievement, excecuted acceptably, worth probably more attention than it received. But that's mainly due to Cage's performance. At first glance, one probably considers this a one-dimensional "foagie flick", but there are some boobs in it, and Nicolas Cage.
It's about a curse, and royal politics. There's also a slow burning romance which gives us further cause to keep rooting for our hero, even when the best we can hope for our dear Lord Cazaril is a happy death. So I thought The Curse of Chalion was a good story, well told. But did it hit the spot? Maybe not for me. While every comfortable, beautiful place has plenty of room for darkness, I don't always connect with royal lives in predominantly royal places. That being said, I think every 'good' fantasy contains the things we readers like to imagine. So for some people, this might be the best of the best.
While Louis tells the story of his own vampirage with its phases, I felt like the dangers and dramas of Louis's unlife was used as more of a setting to the story of all vampires. And I did think it was a good read, a must read for anyone with a special affinity for vampires. In case you were wondering, reader, I don't have a hard on for vampires. They just happen to be a big topic in scary stories. I happen to be of the belief that robots have much more potential for scariness and sexiness. For one, they're warm and don't need to sleep in coffins.
So if any of you know any stories about evil sexy robots, please send them my way.
For those of you who don't remember, the late 2000s was a big time for the apocalypse. People thought the world was going to end in 2012, because that's when one of the old calendars ended. Of course, this premontion turned out to be of less consequence than the Y2K "virus". But in its day, this movie was intended to be scary.
That said, Knowing is a high-budget, fully actualized bad movie, better than Armageddon (as a point of reference). Joe finds the prophecy, and he especially cares about death and loss because it's something close to his heart. He teams up with the prophet's daughter, who turns out to have terrible coping skills, and doesn't help anything. But what can be helped? Some people are trying to stop the end of the world, others are trying to survive it, but most people are freaking out as hard as possible. As if there were anything they could do about it.
And it's hard not to spoil the story, but I will say there are aliens involved. They don't cause the pending apocalypse, but they do have a hand in keeping the "human spirit" from going extinct. In fact, there's a really huge scene with Nick Cage and the Aliens and an orchestra, which would make a great clip for an inspirational video if you were to ever give a presentation at your local church camp or dystopian coorporate job.
At just over two hours long, I admit to watching some parts of this film on high speed. It was too long and too stupid. Despite its daytime tv dialogue, vacuous characters, and boring story, Knowing was pretty well made, especially entertaining for those desparate for a thrill.
That being said, if you are not a fan of high fantasy and, more exclusively, Lord of the Rings, then you will not care about this book. Really, for all of Eye of the World's three hundred thousand words, there isn't much in the way of original story. A world has been built for the story, but it didn't really grip me. The names and geography have to seeming significance.
Starting in the vanilla village of Two Rivers, Jordan gave us three village boys. One is small and quick, one is big and strong, and the last is tall and medium. One of these characters, who the readers were not supposed to immediately guess the identity of, is the one, sought out by Shades (Nazguls) and Trollocs (Orcs), who set out to ruin the party's quest to safety. The premise might have been more interesting if the party were instead trying to end in someplace dangerous like Mount Doom.
Besides the party's bard (gleeman) and bodyguard (warder), there are three magic using ladies. One wears a braid, one doesn't, and the other is in between. Aside from the fact that one is a love interest, they are all the same character. Maybe I'm being too harsh on this book. After all, it was published in 1990, and perhaps back then it was more acceptable for writers to make their books as long as possible, just for the sake of being long. And I don't regret reading Eye of the World to the end. After all, I had to know what I had been missing. Maybe Robert Jordan didn't want to pollute his creative process by exploring fantasy stories that weren't Lord of the Rings. Either way, I Eye of the World is the most boring thing I've ever read. Sorry if all of you hardcore fans think I'm wrong. If you have any good reasons, please let me know.
In Between Worlds, Cage plays another Joe, a down-on-his-luck trucker with a tragic past. By chance, he finds an innocent woman, Julie, getting strangled in a gas station bathroom. The catch is Julie wanted to be strangled. Getting close to death allows her into the 'other' world, where she can revive her comatose daughter.
So Joe strangles Julie too, but the magic at play goes wrong and bad stuff happens to everyone. The story is more interesting when told in a few sentences than when stretched out over an hour and a half of bad movie. I should have known this movie would be bad when I saw, for no reason at all, a close up of the gas station attendant's butt crack, a shot I found analogous to the quality of this film.
While many of Cage's heroic roles haven't aged well, Joe gives us a very modern, immersive experience. It is gloomy and emotional, for those of us who don't naturally feel emotional over the events in films like Ghost Rider. I don't think I'll ever be able to watch Joe without feeling disturbed.
So I guess you get more bang for your buck with this one. It's not for everyone, and maybe not for watching more than once. Maybe this is the kind of film all those edgy, 90s directors wanted to make, but couldn't. Instead they kept themselves from going too far. Though I guess the makers of Joe intended to go as far as possible.
However, they knew what it takes to make a good film. Even the worst of lives have their best days. And it is the best of films that remind us of how those good times felt. In addition to the talents of Cage, we get star performances all around, bringing the villains and the demons all too close to our own realities.
Despite Joe's goodness, I can only dish out so much love to the format of a hero story. Amid Joe's challenges along the arch of his story, none of the characters go through any satisfying, internal changes, leaving us with a lack of dimension. But gosh, I'm probably expecting too much.
While they don't get as thin or as light as you might at first hope, their crust is quite delicious and easy to scarf. It gets a 4 out of 5. Their sauce gets a 5 out of 5. It doesn't step out much, and doesn't need to. It's made with the good tomatoes.
For Overall Quality, they get a 4. For Style, they get a 3. While they succeed at making great pizza and serve knots, their knots aren't very good, and their pizza is only a passing substitute for what it's trying for. I'd give them a 2 if their menu didn't offer tons of side options. So, Butch's ends with an 80%.Of the twin sisters, one is a great ventriloquist, and the other sister wants a dummy of her own. They are the type of twins who compete over everything, opening the way for their dummies to cause all kinds of dangerous trouble.
But. Should you read Thinner? Sure. It's scary; not as scary as Misery, but still a lot of fun.