Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport

I got the ebook and read Deep Work when what I meant to do was download and read this book instead. I’ll admit it. At times, I have been addicted to Facebook. Sometimes I don’t want to think. I just want to scroll the feed and find out what everyone else maybe thinks before I act on anything because I’m afraid to act or be noticed because everyone on the internet is saying mean things about each other. So I took this step to control what I use the internet for.

It feels strange to forcefully remind myself of my intentions before I do (or while I’m not doing) anything. But it must be done if I want to retain control of my time, instead of just letting social media devour my time and attention.

If you struggle with this kind of thing, Digital Minimalism would be a good book for you. It feels like a rushed supplement to Deep Work, which I think is a better read. I think Digital Minimalism is longer than it needs to be, overstuffed with self-help things when it could be something short and pointedly useful. Like it or not. We all need a little self-help, right?

1 comment:

  1. Touché, friend. I remember a time when I refused to do social media, I could see the the inevitable addiction coming. Here I am years later, a shitposter and doom scroller. I might have to check one of these books out. I’m doing better most days of keeping to my self set schedule (to keep my productivity and relax times in balance), but I still slip and feel the digital grip, some days.
