#5. This lot on the corner of 10th and Summit. There are so many trees, you can't see through it. Sometimes it sounds like a rainforest.
#4. My friend Amy's cool witch house.
#3. This Suzuki SX4 on Adam's street, right by 11th. I usually love the color black, but not when it comes to cars. That's okay. This whip is still really cool.
#2. This dog on 10th street. He/she is really cute and doesn't like me very much.
#1. The empty lot next to my house where I have no neighbors. We call it Chi Chi's field. It's where all dogs can poop freely.
Honorable mention is Mitch's house. This is the front door actually. He's not allowed to use the driveway because his landlord doesn't want to grant possession of it to any of his tenants. Larry probably uses the driveway as a selling point in his bait and switch slumlord operation. JK. Larry is a nice guy.
That witches hut is the place I first ever delivered pizza in Btown. The guy living there was sooo stoked for his pizza that he invited me in to burn a J. We went all the way to the top floor. It was very cozy. Def was there for an hour, but the manager was so stoned when I got back, that he didn’t notice that I’d been gone 90minutes on one delivery. Good times.