Mother Bear's Pizza Campus of Bloomington, IN

Here's a local staple I've been trying to get around to. Out of three crust options: Deep, Pan, and Thin, we chose the Pan. It has a ratio of 4cr/3ce/4ch. A very decadent pie, it looks a lot like a classic Pizza Hut pan, but made with more love.
Their crust gets a 3 out of 5 for me. It's both soft and chewy, but somewhat dry for a pan pizza. I expected the bottom to be greasier, melting into a sauce/soaked goo. And there wasn't much flavor to it. Maybe the sauce has something to do with the dryness. It's a thick, hearty sauce, which I'll rank a 4 out of 5. It could use a little more zing, but it's sweet, floral, and totally delicious.
Not all will agree with me on this, but I give Mother Bears a 3 out of 5 for style. I know they let people write on the booths, and I know they serve cheese sauce with their otherwise disappointing braedsticks. I know their mascot has huge furry appeal, and their menu is somewhat expansive. Their pizza doesn't really stand out to me, and none of the bells and whistles do much for me. That's right, I don't care that they'll let me get tapenade as my pizza sauce.

For overall quality, I will give their pizza a 5 out of 5. I could tell it was made with love, by people who know what they're doing. And I appreciate a pizza-master who can take a Pizza Hut pie and think, "You know what? I'm gonna make it great." So Mother Bear's gets an overall score of 75%. Love it.

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