How the Chicks Blew it with the Name Change.

They're a great band.  I respect them taking Dixie out of their name.  That part of the name change is cool.  

Would it have defeated the purpose to additionally alter their name to the Chix or the Chyx?  What if they were simply called CHyX?  That would be so much cooler.  

As a kid, I wasn't super into the Dixie Chicks.  Their name didn't have anything to do with it.  I just wasn't inclined to pop country, even though their songs are catchy, they shred, and their lyrics are great.  They're just you know... country.  Not alternative.  Not freaks.  They'll never make a nu metal song.  


  1. You should start a nu metal band called Chyx.

    1. that's a good idea. or an all-femme styx cover band

  2. I’m a life long fan of the band, personally. I also think it’s cool they dropped the Dixie, and don’t really love The Chicks. But I have to disagree about these alternate spelling ideas. Sorry. I think even if The Chicks is not a great band name, they are a good enough band that it doesn’t matter.

    1. I agree that their band is so good that their name doesn't matter. Also ChYx is too much of a nod to STYX. My shared blog opinions are mostly contrived as a means to entertain myself. thanks for not taking them too seriously and thanks for your input!
